Bibliography Pierre Simon de Lacplace (1749-1827)
Tahukah anda??? Pierre Simon de Lacplace
(1749-1827) mengembangkan konsep demoire dan Simpson ini lebih lanjut, dan
menemukan distribusi normal. Untuk lebih lengkapnya, let’s check this out :)
Laplace formulated Laplace's equation,
and pioneered the Laplace transform which appears in many branches of
mathematical physics, a field that he took a leading role in forming. The
Laplacian differential operator, widely used in mathematics, is also named
after him. He restated and developed the nebular hypothesis of the origin of
the solar system and was one of the first scientists to postulate the existence
of black holes and the notion of gravitational collapse.
Laplace is remembered as one of the
greatest scientists of all time. Sometimes referred to as the French Newton or
Newton of France, he possessed a phenomenal natural mathematical faculty
superior to that of any of his contemporaries.
Laplace became a count
of the First French Empire in 1806 and was named a marquis in 1817, after the
Bourbon Restoration.